Kevin happens to live in Ohio, and thus has access to a number of brewers I often read about but never get to try: THREE FLOYDS, BELL’S, FOUNDERS, DOGFISH HEAD and others. Me, I live on the west coast, and we’ve got a number of brewers Kevin’s beer salivating for (BEAR REPUBLIC, LOST COAST, DESCHUTES, FIRESTONE WALKER, etc.). We compared wants, offered suggestions, went shopping, and made it happen. A few things I learned:
1. Never, never ship via the postal service. FedEx and UPS only. You’ll rot in jail for years otherwise.
2. Don’t tell them you’re shipping beer. It’s glassware. (play the eBay card).
3. Wrap extremely well – bubble wrap, soft packing materials, etc.
4. Clear the list of what you’re sending and receiving first. You don’t want to pay to receive something you can get at the Safeway down the street.
I’ve now got 7 incredible-sounding beers from the upper Midwest and east coast – well 6, because I enjoyed BELL’S HOPSLAM last night (more on that another time). I also noticed recently that Beer Advocate allow you, once logged in, to click on “Got” or “Want” for every beer on their site, and build a list of trades that way. Dorky? Of course it is. But such is the way of the beer outlaw in 2007, where interstate shipping is still highly regulated and/or impossible, and where tiny, regional beers often only get distributed at the breweries themselves or within a 20 mile radius. Now that I’ve done this once, it’s not hard to imagine future trades. That rogue, clued-in, outlaw-ish feeling actually makes it that much more interesting, much like trading punk rock 45s did for me in the 1980s.
I haven't forgotten the trade route! I think I already have 4 brews set aside for you. Luckily I didn't pick up the Hop Slam I was planning on sending since Kev already did. The only thing stopping me are the funds and finding what I want to send. It'll happen sooner than later. Be patient!
You forgot that you can also label the FedEx box "Live Yeast Samples."
Wortwurst, I can't imagine anyone turning away a second HopSlam!
Good to hear. I also just completed my first trade as well with a buddy in Florida. It only cost me $11 to send 3 bombers from Southern California to Florida via FedEx- good price to me, and they didn't even ask what was in it. People are so right about beer trading, it is addicting.
A beer I'd love to trade with you, if I could: Anything by Live Oak Brewing Co. They're making some good stuff here in Austin, but they don't bottle — you can only get it at a bar or in kegs. If you come to Austin, send me an e-mail — I'll meet you somewhere and buy you a glass. Or two.
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