Monday, March 05, 2007


I guess the story goes that two of our nation's great brewers, RUSSIAN RIVER BREWING from California and AVERY BREWING from Colorado, both had a beer called SALVATION. Ah yes, we know all about Russian River's Salvation here at Hedonist Beer Jive HQ - though when I had it I wasn't too bowled over. So anyway, these fellas decided to combine forces and head off a lawsuit from one or the other - which would have been totally preposterous, and which I in no way believe was ever even a possibility, but it makes for a good story - and created COLLABORATION, NOT LITIGATION ale. This very dark Belgian-style ale is said to truly be a brewed up combination of the best of both beers, and I'm happy to report that it's flat-out fantastic. I've enjoyed it the past couple of weeks both on tap and in the 22-oz. bottle you see pictured here, and if I had one sitting in front of me right now I'd drink that too. Collaboration has got this thick, spicy, heavy-but-nimble thing going on, with a really delicious and lush "mouthfeel" (ouch, there's that word again), and all the great characteristics of a strong Belgian dubbel. I guess I was getting a little black cherry & plum taste out of it, and I'm pretty sure it's also quite full of hops. This is a really special beer, probably exceptionally limited in number, and one I strongly recommend you seek out & maybe even trade for or something if it's not available near ya. 8.5/10.

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