Here's how this craaaaazzy turn of events came to be. I work in the wireless industry, and if you know anyone who does stuff in wireless, you know that the sun, moon & stars pretty much revolve around Verizon, AT&T and Sprint. Thus, many of my trips for business are to Basking Ridge, NJ; Atlanta, GA or Overland Park, KS - particularly the latter two. I just flew here from Atlanta, in fact, and I immediately had every intention of getting some JACK STACK BBQ, GATES BBQ or one of the other half-dozen barbeque places in the Kansas City area that totally rule. Yet I'm beat - the man is grinding me down - all I want is a quick dinner and a good beer. Thus the spur-of-the-moment trip to Overland Park Whole Foods and the great liquor store next door, where I bought myself a bomber of the fabled BOULEVARD SAISON-BRETT to carry back in my suitcase. I also bought this 12-ounce bottle of BOULEVARD NUTCRACKER ALE, which I am consuming presently. Oh, and how do you like this photo? Taken in the bathroom of the Sheraton Overland Park, I kid you not. As if you couldn't tell.
NUTCRACKER ALE continues the winning streak for the most excellent Boulevard Brewing. It's their holiday ale, their "winter warmer", and I'm pleased to call it my first of the season. It smells and tastes just like it should. The spicing permeates the entire thing, and lingers for a good 10 seconds after each swallow. Very malty, with a full-bodied feel to it without being overly heavy. In fact, it's a pretty easy quaff. Cinnamon, light molasses and maybe even a touch of honey. That last taste is sort of out of left field - and I like it. In all, this is an excellent introduction to "that most wonderful time of the year". Goes great with chicken, artichoke heart & corn salad in an earth-friendly recyclable container. 7.5/10.
Live Beer Blogging! What will they think of next?
Thanks for the info. I wish we could get Boulevard here in SF.
Two things:
1. Hotel bathrooms have amazing lights for photographing beer. I've used them plenty of times.
2. Best BBQ in KC: Arthur Bryant's.
The Saison Brett is excellent. Boulevard also has a new Wheat Wine out this week called Harvest Dance. Drink some if you're still in town.
Good barbacue in Kansas City? Try Oklahoma Joe's. It's in a gas station. And I haven't had a beer out of Boulevards Smokestack series that was worse than "pretty good". The Two Jokers Double Wit was my favorite, but it's likely sold out by now.
I was out in Overland Park last year for work. There's also a store with a nice craft beer selection on W 135th, E of Metcalf, next to Hen House.
If you have the chance, I recommend Free State Brewery in Lawrence. About a 30 minute drive. Although last summer they had a few more of the "hoppier" beers than I see listed now.
More live beer blogging!! Rad! Where's the beer cam?
Managed to get some of this in Portland this past weekend. I second the easy going down sentiment.
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