I doubt it, but you may recall
some frothing that this blog did over the
DARK HORSE TRES BLUEBERRY STOUT a few years ago. We’d received it in trade with
Trub Wortwurst over at
LAGERHEADS; we dug it so much we forced him to make another illicit beer trade with us, and he sent not one, not two, but
THREE bottles of this thing to us (!). Something only a Michigan resident can get. Hoo-boy. Well, I broke one out of the bubble wrap the other day, quickly chilled it, and then went to town.
DARK HORSE have quite a stellar reputation among the Michigan beer cognoscenti, and this beer’s a big reason for it.
TRES BLUEBERRY STOUT is an inky, caramel-laden malty beer with really faint blueberry “tones”, and it is flat-out delicious. A creamy beer with a very low ABV (4.5%), and one that has all the excitement and oomph of an “imperial” beer, with none of the la-de-da. Get it if you can.
The label looks like those old generic labels at the grocery store that would say PEANUT BUTTER or BEEF and you knew not to touch it or you'd die.
Nice picture ;)
Just for that I am adding you to my blog roll.
great job...superb...
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