When we consummated the deal late last year, I made it clear that I was in need of as many beers from SOUTHERN TIER as he could bubble-wrap & stick into a box. He delivered some good ‘uns, and this OAK-AGED CUVEE 1 is another winner, albeit less so than other ales I’ve had from this brewer. A little research indicates that this one was a late 2008 limited release, and was retailing for $14/$15 in most places. Whoa. Looks like it even came in a box. We love that sh*t. SOUTHERN TIER OAK-AGED CUVEE 1 is an 11% strong ale, with a great malt/hop balance & some decided booziness. Was it aged in bourbon barrels? I cannot say, but this is not a young man’s beer, if you know what I mean. This is for the big boys. The flavors I’m getting are burnt caramel and nutmeg, along with a vague oakiness that would be expected, right? It’s an oily one, and enjoyable in the sense that you know you’re drinking a beer that a lot of smart people worked on to make just what they wanted it to be. I continue to be very impressed with Southern Tier, and will try their entire lineup before the end of 2009. That’s a promise from us at HBJ to you. 7/10.
did you forget about the southern tier oat stout or did you not like it and didn't want to run a review that would hurt my feelings?
Please note the word "penultimate". I have one beer you sent me left - Southern Tier OAT. If you're to be believed, I've saved the proverbial best for last.....
Cuvee 2 is out. I am grabbing a bottle for this weekend
I believe this is aged in French Oak. I found the oak pretty subtle. I picked up the No. 2, but haven't cracked it yet. I had the Oak Age Unearthly last night, and it was tremendous. The Oat didn't do much for me however, it seemed a bit harsh. I've got another bottle in the basement, maybe next winter.
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