My big pet peeve when it comes to IPA’s and Double IPA’s was grossly violated with extreme prejudice in this beer,
PORT BREWING’s 2ND ANNIVERSARY ALE. The flagrant foul, one committed all too often these days? It’s allowing that hot, sweet alcohol taste to overwhelm the rest of the beer, making one have to struggle & wince a bit to glug a swallow down, rather than drink it with pleasure. I’m getting tired of it – our friends at
PORT should know better. Strange, too – I know the brewery has been around a lot longer than two years – is this to celebrate their sister brewery
THE LOST ABBEY’s second anniversary, and if so, why not under that label? Anyway, this thing is a “giant raging hop monster” with the aforementioned problem of letting that 9.5% alcohol too front-forward in the mix. Strong citrus and pine scents and tastes, and it’s just big-n-huge all the way around. It sure gets one buzzed, I’ll tell you that. I actually felt this one the rest of the night, and it was the only beer I had. I’m wondering if these guys are stumbling on the IPAs all of a sudden –
I didn’t like their HOP 15 either.
5/10. Don’t bother.
Definitely agree on the 2nd Anniversary. Way too boozy and unblended. Hop 15 fresh is an amazing beer though. It turns malthy/alcoholly fairly quickly (much like Marin's White Knuckle and DFH 90).
'Port Brewing' is essentially a combo of all the pizza ports- just a larger scale production. Yeah the individual pizza port locations have been around many years now, but the Port Brewing facility (where Tomme works which is the same place as The Lost Abbey) is only 2 years old.
That sucks...I was looking forward to this one. Maybe I should get douchey and "lay it down" for awhile and see what happens.
Don't like the Hop 15 in bottles, but it's pretty good fresh on tap. I'd still take the Wipeout over it every time, though.
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