THE NEIGHBORHOOD is a clean, light-filled oasis in the middle of downtown, with a drop-dead fantastic beer selection. The bartender, a young woman covered shoulder-to-fingertips in tattoos, was about the sweetest, most helpful bartender I’ve had serve me all year. She poured me tastes of wonderful elixirs like ALESMITH SPEEDWAY STOUT; advised me well on good local beers; and broke the rules and served me half-pints (so I could taste more beers). All this while I was wearing a ridiculous monkey suit jacket & shiny shoes, having just come from a work outing that more or less required me to wear them. Talk about great first impressions – THE NEIGHBORHOOD is a must-visit in San Diego.
CRAFTSMAN BREWING have been on my must-try list as well. They’re the only Los Angeles-based brewery I can even think of right now, and beer lovers of all stripes have been loudly singing their praises this past year. Their HEAVENLY HEFE is a silky, golden wheat ale. It has all the hallmarks of a classic hefeweizen: banana undertones, spicy clove taste, and this one’s even slightly astringent as times. It really smoothes out as it warms – not that I gave it much time to before gulping it all. Another good first impression, I have to say, though the one I really want to try from these guys is called TRIPLE WHITE SAGE. 7.5/10 for the hefe.
Just got an iphone myself and it has really revolutionized my drinking too:
#1. I'm no longer the weirdo at the bar pulling out a digital camera to photograph his beer (usually while alone)
#2. I can quickly look up on BA any potential beer to try before trying it.
Actually, #2 is kinda depressing come to think of it as now I always "look before I leap" and there's no chance for finding hidden gems that everyone else hates.
Cool! Looking forward to more pictures of your awesome beer excursions. Only bummer is that iPhone doesn't have a flash, so it'll be hard to do at night. I've put The Nieghborhood on the backburner, but you've made it sound like a real legit stop, so I'll have to check it out sooner than later.
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