They served said IMPERIAL IPA in a Belgian-style goblet, which was sort of the brewpub’s way of marking this one as “special”, I s’pose. Or a commentary on the recent US-Belgian cross-pollination in brewing methods. Or maybe they ran out of pint glasses. Anyway, this beer initially hits the nose with a really strong burst of hops and a “floral bouquet”, if you will. Like other well-constructed Double IPAs, you smell it well before you taste it, and the quality is apparent from the word go. I liked its bitterness, probably in the upper 25% for “bitter”ing among IPAs I’ve tasted, and probably well past a point that would be comfortable for most novice beer drinkers. GREEN FLASH IMPERIAL IPA didn’t really do a ton to distinguish itself (to my taste, this particular night) as one of the greats, but there’s likely a little bit of IPA overload implicit in that statement. As Rick and the gang at PBN always point out, we’re so friggin’ spoiled here in California when it comes to India Pale Ale, that it’s almost blasphemy to shrug one’s shoulder’s at a beer this well-constructed. I’ll go with 7/10, and look for a 22-oz. bomber of this in the stores in the near future.
1 comment:
Thanks for the reviews, Jay! 22 oz. bottles should be available in your area, since we distribute up there (Actually, all our packaged beers should be)
Sorry you didn't like the Extra Pale. It really shouldn't taste like aspirin, though. Try it again if you get the chance, I (personally, not speaking as a representative of the brewery) think it's a nice little lawnmower beer.
Anyway, thanks again for the reviews, we appreciate the attention!
Matt Navarre
Cellarman, Green Flash Brewing Co.
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