I got the evil eye by my waiter at ZUM UERIGE when I asked him for an English menu, but I think I redeemed myself by thinking fast and quickly ordering an Alt. He may very well have understood every word I was saying, but he wasn’t playing along with Yankee Boy. Alt – mmm. This is a dark brown, fairly bitter beer, super hoppy and full of bite. I can’t imagine this not being a smash hit for West Coast USA beer snobs – and sure enough, one of my all-time favorites, ALASKAN AMBER, is brewed “in the Alt style”. How about that? Alaskan is fantastic beer, and so is Zum Uerige’s. This is a style well below the radar for most folks, but it’s one that ought to get a little more play. One thing I found pretty unusual was that the beer was always served in hotel water-glass-sized glasses, which meant it was usually advantageous to order 2 at once – and even that didn’t add up to a full pint, or so I convinced myself the next night as I kept ordering “drinks for all my friends!!!” (not my friends, just my drunken co-workers). A real German pub experience for sure. Subsequent evenings featured Altbier from other bars and pubs, and multiple foul German meat pies to help cut the goddamn buzz. So for you Americans out there, if you ever get a chance to jump on this style, I whole-heartedly encourage you to do so – and you Europeans, if you’re coming to San Francisco anytime soon, not only must you wear flowers in your hair, but you must surely also bring me an Alt Bier or six. I’ll trade you a sixer of Boont Amber, OK?
1 comment:
Yeah I was in germany a handful of years ago and my beer tour was topped by drowning myself in 5 oz glasses of alt at some little pub (although I thought we were in cologne instead of dusseldorf)...
other thing about drinking in germany - much milder hangovers. And i don't think it was just because the beers were smaller...
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