Thursday, June 25, 2009


I could go on & on about this beer being available in a can (OMG instead of a bottle!!!!), but since that’s almost all people talk about when a fine brewer like OSCAR BLUES cans their beers, let’s just end it here. OSCAR BLUES GORDON is either an “Imperial Red” or a “Double IPA”, depending on who you ask. It has aspects of both, and it is stone-cold terrific. It pours a rich ruby color, and what’s unique about it is its lightness – a drinkable, thin and not-at-all boozy 8.7% alcohol which tastes closer to 5%. Hoppy aroma, strong sweetness, dry hops and a mild bready quality, particularly after the swallow. I didn’t find it grassy nor piney in the least – it’s a lot like these high-alcohol reds that are popping up everywhere right now. It’s really, really good – kudos to Chris S for entreating me to buy this one. Get yourself a fourxer (4-pack) on your high-end grocer’s shelf. 8/10.

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